Nataša Mojsilovic teaches Ashtanga Yoga at Yoga Spot. We asked her some questions about discipline. What does discipline mean to her?

Nataša, do you lead a disciplined life?
‘Every day is different, so it’s hard to tick a yes or no box. I do my best in trying to keep the structure but it’s never the same-my discipline changes with the seasons. I am coming to my mat 6 days a week, no matter if it means the full primary series, standing and finishing postures only or ending up sitting on, or sometimes just staring at my mat. I’m trying not to give myself a hard time if my discipline expectation is not fulfilled. Of course there are periods when I am not disciplined. Then I try to sit with it (meditate) and observe, to see what’s really happening and why do I lack the commitment.’

How do you use your will power in yoga?
‘I try to use willpower as little as possible. The will power sounds like the ego trying to achieve something. I’m trying to let go of what I think I want and what my will is. Instead, I just stick to the commitment to feel the flow of the prana – the life force – by listening to the constant flow of  my breath on the mat.  The most advanced power is to  just  go with the flow and be with things as they are – just  listen to whatever is.

If your heart is there, it’s like having the perfect lover; you don’t need will power, you are connected and wanting to go there. The will power is there, to wake up and to come to your lover -the yoga, the yogamat is your home, the place where your spirit, body and mind are one. Then you don’t have to force yourself to get there.

The practice is also to always be connected, to always be aware. Yoga means a natural union of the polarities-day/night, Sun/Moon . Thoughts, feelings, actions and speech are in sync.  ‘It’s about really allowing yourself to be who you really are. To realize that there has to be the will to know the Truth. And the power comes from there.’ 

How do you find your discipline?
‘My discipline comes from yearning for the ultimate connection-this is the place where you feel at home, this is the taste that you want to feel over and over again. That’s where the discipline comes from.You are not going to be a better person being on the mat. You have to understand, to want to be on the quest for ultimate Truth, for  the Divine, whatever you believe is the source of life. You have to be willing to surrender your ego to something greater than yourself. You have to realize that your true nature is to be kind to everyone, humble and thirsty for the Truth. Being kind to yourself also means having the commitment to your practice offering the stillness, sllence and spaciousness in your mind. To long for the purification of your body, to find the space in your mind, and to reconnect with this immovable spot, where all is One.’

Anything more you would like to share about discipline?
‘It’s so much easier to be disciplined when you have a support system nearby. It’s so much nicer to practise with a group. The energy of practicing in the group is  uplifing and supporting your own focus and  energy. So use the opportunity and come to Yoga Spot as often as you can! And also put your own practice classes in your weekly agenda, so that you have the appointment with your mat.

And if you are in for a challenge? Try a one week challenge with yourself, and unroll your mat 6 days a week, building up sun salutations and do 3 finishing postures – every day. After this week, tell us the benefits you see and the difference in your body and mind. You´d be surprised !’