
Hatha (Flow) Yoga Teacher Training

Here you find the homework assignments that come with the Hatha (Flow) Yoga teacher Training.
Please inform us about the estimated date of submission if you cannot make the due date (is the next HYTT weekend, unless mentioned otherwise).

After weekend 1

  • read Yoga Sutra’s 1.1 – 1.16
  • bring the 6 asana’s plus ujjayi breathing (also find text about Ujjayi Breathing in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika) into your home practice 
  • Memorize the names of the 6 asanas you’ve learned
  • work on your cues (how do you teach and adjust verbally?)
  • prepare if you chose to teach next weekend:

    Start meditation (Nathalie)
    Warming up (Nathalie)
    Balasana (Nathalie
    Ujjayi breathing (Ineke)
    Tadasana (Ineke)
    Utanasana (Ineke)
    Supta badha konasana (Dora)
    Viparita Karani (Dora)
    Shavasana (Dora)

  • read sutra 2.28-2.45 (we will dive into them next HYTT weekend)

Herewith you find:

After weekend 2

  • understand Sanskrit names, see how the asana names are build up.
  • memorize names of the 12 asanas you’ve been taught.
  • open your “Light on Yoga” book by Iyengar. Get a feel about how Sanskrit names are build up.
  • prepare if you chose to teach next weekend:
    Utkatasana: Chantal
    Adho Mukha Svanasana: Chantal
    Anjaneyasana: Lia
    Parivrtta Anjaneyasana: Lia
    Virabhadrasana 1: Suna
    Virabhadrasana 2: Suna
  • study onto, and write an essay about the subject you’ve chosen from the Yoga Sutra’s. Maximum 1 page.
  • keep your chosen (Ni)Yama or Sutra in your heart until we meet again. How does it work for you in your daily life? For example, ahimsa, how (non)violent are you in your daily life to yourself, to others, and the things around you? Can you be more aware of that subject in life?
  • prepare to give a short and comprehensible (no more than 5 minutes) presentation about what you learned about this (Ni)Yama or Sutra. Present it as a theme in a yoga class:
    Ahimsa: Ineke
    Satya: Suna
    Asteya: Gülay
    Brahmacharya: Chantal
    Aparigraha: Nathalie
    Saucha: Dora
    Santosha: Nienke
    Tapas, Svadhyaya & Ishvara Pranidhana: Lia

Herewith you find:

After weekend 3

  • Anatomy homework, reflection (nothing to hand in):
    • Reflect on the yoga (or other) injuries you have personally experienced. What factors contributed to the injuries? How did you deal with the injury in your practice and how did you make modifications? How did your teachers help you modify your practice?
    • What is your take on physical health and yoga? How do we practice and teach safe yoga?

  • Practice the new learned 6 asanas with some of your peers
  • prepare if you chose to teach next weekend:
    Utthita Trikonasana (Ineke)
    Parivrtta Trikonasana (Ineke)
    Viparita Virabhadrasana (Chantal)
    Utthita Parsvakonasana (Chantal)
    Prasarita Padottanasana (Nathalie)
    Parsvottanasana (Nathalie)
  • Learn the Sanskrit names of the first 18 asanas
  • Write a Start meditation for the beginning of class that takes 5-10 minutes. Hand in your written version by email at least 2 days before the next weekend.
  • Learn about and live with the first two chakras. You can keep a diary what happens in your life on 1st and 2nd chakra levels. You do this for yourself; nothing to hand in.

Herewith you find:

after weekend 4

  • Anatomy homework, memorize the most important bones in the body. Nothing to hand in.
  • Practice the 6 new asanas with peers, friends and/or family members. Practice your cueing.
  • Learn the Sanskrit names of the first 24 asanas
  • If you have not presented your starting meditation for the beginning of class, be prepared to do so next week (you can record them and share them amongst each other!).
  • Work with the 3rd and 4th chakra the coming weeks. Write your dairy. How is your development on the living areas that correspond with the 1st chakra? This is svadyaya homework, it doesn’t have to be handed in, but will give you insight.
  • You can draw your home practice, put emphasis on important parts using colours.

Herewith you find:

anatomy presentation (2)

anatomy presentation (3)

the sketching workshop

information about chakra 3

information about chakra 4 

After weekend 5

  • The group of 3 prepares a sequence of 45 minutes / 1 hour to be presented, including asana 25 t/m 30.
  • Practice the 6 new asanas yourself and with peers.
  • Learn the Sanskrit names of the new asanas (25 t/m 30).
  • Read the introduction in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika page 1-20.
  • Read the Pranayama and Meditation information Lahma prepared for you.
  • Live with the 5th, 6th and 7th chakra the coming 2 weeks. Write your dairy. How is your development on the living areas that correspond with these chakras? This is svadyaya homework, no handing in.
    Live with the 7th chakra: connect to your higher self
    Live with the 6th chakra: learn to trust your intuition
    Live with the 5th chakra: learn to speak your truth.
  • Please write down: how is your home practice? How many times do you practice yourself, for how long? How many times you practise with peers/friends/family members? How do you feel the training is going for you? Where do you need support? What are the difficulties? Is there anything you struggle with? What goes well? Write this all on a piece of real paper with your name on it, and hand in in person next time we meet.
  • Sequencing homework: At the end of the last page of Lahma’s Sequencing information is the homework. Hand in by email to Lahma one A4 through email before the start of the next TT weekend.
  • Write down English (and/or Dutch) names of the asanas in the two series, and if you like, sketch the poses. Hand in by email to Lahma.
  • Anatomy homework from weekend 4: draw your favorite yoga pose and color the muscles it activates. Hand in by email to Natalie.
  • One question or one injury to be handed in for physiotherapist Tim who will join us next HYTT weekend. Hand in by email to Natalie.

Herewith you find:

anatomy presentation (4)

sequencing information Lahma

meditation information Lahma

information about  chakra 5

information about chakra 6

information about chakra 7


In between weekend 5 and 7, all students have a personal interview with one of the teachers, based on the letter you are writing to us.
This meeting is to see how you are doing, what you are facing or struggling with, where you need personal help or for sharing personal things.

After weekend 6 (hand in before weekend 7))

  • Group  of 3 prepare a sequence of max 1 hour to be teached
  • read pages 20-60 of the HYP
  • if you have more time and interest: read on from page 60 into the asana section.
  • practice the (Ujjayi) pranayama presented in the course once a day
  • practice in your yoga asana practice Ujjayi Breathing
  • Natalie gave you an asana: How does your asana work on the systems we worked on (see presentation) and hand in by email.
  • Find out what your dosha means. Do you live according to your dominant doshas? Work, practise and live according to your dosha and write your diary. Do another dosha test (find them on internet) to find your imbalances. Hand in shortly (V2P9K5, V2P6K9) to Margriet

you find here:

After weekend 7

  • 2 groups of 2 prepare a sequence of 60 minutes to be presented
  • read explanation on pranayama from Lahma
  • practice pranayama as presented by Lahma
  • add the 6 new asanas to your home practice sequence
  • pair up to practice adjustments together 
  • Read HYP page 60-159 and study the document `Notes from the HYP`with reading suggestions (find below).
  • no anatomy assignment but start wrapping up and reread everything you have learned so far
  • Come to the classes! Attending 2 classes per week is required to receive your certificate.

  • start writing your sequences. When you arrive at the retreat, we expect you to have 4 sequences of 60-75 minutes, with the following focus: 
    * forward bends
    * twists
    * backbends
  • * balances
    Be creative!

you find here:

extra addings to make your life easier:

After weekend 8 (hand in at least 2 days before weekend 9)

  • ,,Practice kapalabhati and agnisara, minimum 2 times a week 3 rounds.
  • Practice the other pranayamas.
  • Write down a 1 hour asana practise (you can use the time table in the theory document). As you have to teach a 1-hour class during your practical examen, this is the start / preparation for it. Write it yourself and than:
  • Team up and give each other supportive feedback about the 1-hour class that you are going to sequence. This feedback shoud be about the sequence and about how the other is teaching. Help each other and brainstorm to improve the sequence. You can practice through Zoom or in person.
  • You don´t have to hand in your sequence(s) yet. If you want us to review it, it can be part of the examen practice weekend (you can bring it in as a subject for the agenda).
  • Start also working on your other 3 sequences. You have 4 sequences: forward bends, backbends, twists and balances.
  • Read all you learned in preparation toward examen. Start to think what you want to be on the program of the examen practice weekend of June 28+29. This can be things you want to practice, want more information about, have difficulties with. This is YOUR examen practice weekend! For example: you can ask for a masterclass cueing, Q&A with the anatomy teacher, Q&A with Lahma and/or Margriet, have a specific topic you want to know or learn more about, have hours to practice together, have an adjustment hour, get feedback from others, practice your teaching on strangers (clients). Work this out with your peers (you can come an hour earlier on Friday next week if you want to have a group discussion). Hand in at the latest in the next TT weekend (June 21+22)
  • Keep coming to classes and maintain a home practice!
  • Integrate the new asanas in your home practice and learn their Sanskrit names
  • Suna, Gülay and Dora teach a 1.5 hour Vinyasa or Hatha Flow class with Dancing warriors.

You find here:

After Weekend 9

  • practice the 6 new learned asanas for yourself and teach them to others
  • think about your cueing without copying. What words/sentences do you want to use that are direct, clear, friendly and short?
  • practice teaching your one-hour class (including one self-chosen pranayama), and continue writing your four classes.
  • if you have questions about one of your practices, bring what you have next weekend to discuss.
  • practice all pranayamas as taught so far. You must be able to teach one.
  • give and receive feedback on your one-hour class from one of the peers you haven’t practiced with yet. 
  • think about what you like to share with us during the retreat. Can be woman circle, cacao ceremony, kirtan, dance, special meditation: let us know so we can integrate it in the retreat/closure weekend. I already heard some very interesting suggestions 🙂

Herewith you find:

How the coming weekends will be structured:
Weekend 10: examen practice weekend (June 28+29)

Weekend 11: anatomy examen weekend (examens on Saturday) (July 12 +13) 
Retreat:  Practical examen week including graduation and closure (July 22-28)
Weekend 12: spare weekend (only if an examen needs to be re-done). 

After Weekend 10 (hand in homework before weekend 11)

  • practice the 6 new learned asanas for yourself and learn their Sanskrit names
  • Write an ending for your class (you don’t have to hand in). You cannot talk the whole shavasana – what do you want to share? What do you want them to do/know before shavasana? What do you want to share after shavasana? What do you say or do to end your class? 
  • Optional: compose a playlist that suits your class. Remember: the sequence is more important than the playlist, and this is optional. When we share this with each other we will have 7 playlists that you can work with.
  • start working on your poses as given by Natalie as described in the Anatamy presentation Q&A below

Herewith you find:

Weekend 11

Anatomy examen weekend

Homework for this weekend:

  •  reflect on which pathways playing a role in your yogi’s life
  • return the form for the Retreat
  • study all your notes for the theoretical examen
  • practice your sequence for your practical examen: 1 full hour including all that should be in a yoga class.
  • hand in your 4 written 1-hour sequence that you have already practiced and reviewed with your peers.

Herewith you find:

Retreat (hand in homework before closure weekend)

Practical examen week

  • hand in everything that is not yet handed in or needed to be reviewed. Anything not handed in by June 15 influences your diploma!

Weekend 12 (hand in ALL homework at the latest August 3)

Last weekend: to hand in assignments