Metta meditation is one of the most important Bhuddist meditations. If you want to know more about it, please google “Metta Meditation” and you will find a fair number of websites with good explanation. But Meditation is 1% theory and 99% practice…. so I will explain in short so that you can implement this powerful practice into your daily life!
Metta means Loving Kindnes in Pali (ancient spoken language from BC).
The Metta (loving kindness) is first projected towards yourself.
May I be free from inner and outer harm
May I be happy and peaceful
May I be healthy and strong
May I be able to take care of myself joyfully.
When you can truly feel that filling and overflowing you, you can direct the metta to your family, teachers, friends, acquaintances,, unknown people and people with whom you have a bad relationship.
May you be free from inner and outer harm
May you be happy and peaceful
May you be healthy and strong
May you be able to take care of yourself joyfully.
You end with radiating loving kindness towards the whole universe and all living beings.
May all be free from inner and outer harm
May all be happy and peaceful
May all be healthy and strong
May all be able to take care of themselves joyfully.
What I learned from the masters in the monasteries I have practiced in is that you practice loving kindness toward yourself untill you can really feel it, before projecting it outward. It helps to feel the friendliness towards yourself and loved ones before you make it less personal and even project it to your less loved ones. Don´t hurry or be impatient if this takes time: you have the rest of your life to practice it!
With love,
Yoga Spot Amsterdam