Yin Yoga

“Relaxing and unwinding”

Yin Yoga focuses on the relaxation of the deeper layers of body tissue – connective tissue (fascia), tendons and ligaments. It is a meditative and relaxing form of yoga. By holding a pose for quite a long period (2 to 5 minutes), the muscles are allowed to relax so that the deeper layers can be reached and soothed.

Book a yin yoga lesson!

What does a class look like?

The teacher starts off with a grounding meditation or breathing exercise that allows you to draw your senses inwards. You let go of all external stimuli and you concentrate fully on yourself as you start with the asanas. In a Yin Yoga class, you hold each pose for quite a long time (2 to 5 minutes). They are almost always floor exercises. You are supported by cushions, bolsters and blocks so that you can completely relax your muscles, ease your tensions and stretch your connective tissues, tendons and ligaments in a safe and relaxing way. In each pose the teacher will offer helpful pointers and tips to keep your attention directed inward so that you can enter into a meditative state. The soft guidance of the music will also help with this.

As we explore deep inside ourselves and free blockages from within, it is normal for emotions to come up during the class. Let them be, let them flow. It is perfectly OK to let go of mental, physical and emotional tension. At the end of the class you will feel calm, soothed and relaxed.

Are there any variations?

Yin / Yang Yoga. “Yang is active, Yin is calm”
In this class we combine the active and dynamic Yang asanas with the soft and calm Yin asanas. The Yang part can be compared to the sequence and poses that are practised during a Vinyasa class. You move in a slow flow from asana to asana. In the Yin poses you hold them for 2 to 5 minutes so that the asana can work into the deeper tissues of your body. At the end of this class your energy is flowing and your mind is at peace.

What are the benefits?

  • Stress reduction.
  • Reduces tension and alleviates pain in the (lower) back, legs and hips.
  • Improves the flexibility of the whole body.
  • Mobilises joints and muscles.
  • Improves functioning of the organs.
  • Stimulates the connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and cartilage, allowing them to relax and recover.
  • Recovery of injuries.
  • Stimulates the meridians (opens the energy channels) which promotes the flow of ‘chi’ (prana, life energy) and eliminates any energy blocks.
  • Provides mental rest.
  • The meditative flow encourages your consciousness of thoughts, feelings, sensations and acceptance.

Who teaches this class?

This class is given by various teachers.