Yoga for Teenagers (11 – 13 years)

“Let go and develop physical awareness”.

As a teenager you go through one of the most exciting times of your life, maybe it’s even the best one. You experience big changes on many different levels – physical, mental and emotional. However, this phase can be demanding as there is a lot to learn and achieve, many plans and choices to make, homework to do, etc. All this can cause stress and insecurity. Yoga for Teenagers gives you a break in the week where you can be physically active in a fun way, where nothing is expected of you, and you can just relax and let go. Practising yoga can be an enormous support during this period.
Book a teenager yoga class!

Book a teenager yogaclass

What does a class look like?

A teenager yoga class consists of a warming up, yoga postures (asanas), relaxation exercises, guided meditation and visualisations. The yoga postures strengthen the muscles, thereby developing power and improving fitness as well as increasing flexibility and promoting relaxation. You will get more in touch with your body, which will increase your self-esteem and allow you to feel happy in your own skin. By giving attention to the breath, you can let go of the thoughts swimming around in your head, enabling you to feel calm and relaxed so that you can handle your emotions in a better way.

What are the benefits?

Yoga gives practical tips on how to feel more self-confident, socially adaptable and more satisfied.
With the physical and mental exercises, teenagers learn how to use their bodies in a healthy way and find balance between their inner world and the outside world.
Their concentration improves.
They learn how to participate in a group.
Through body awareness teenagers become more self-aware.
They learn how to ground themselves, thereby increasing their sense of identity and learning how to take care of themselves.
What teenagers learn through yoga is something that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.

Who teaches this class?

The teenager yoga classes are given by Masja and Piet Jan