Coaching & Readings

In addition to yoga and pilates classes, Yoga Spot offers individual healing sessions, readings, coaching sessions and therapy appointments.

Aura and Chakra reading

During the aura reading, you will get insight into yourself. This could be related to work, relationships, creativity, emotions, intuition, meaning of life (and development), your goals, lessons, powers and talent. By having this reading, you will get some clear ideas about how you can make changes in your daily life and how to further develop your strengths.
Given by Francien.


You don’t have to experience psychological complaints to start a coaching process – coaching is for everybody. Sometimes it’s just nice to look at your situation together with an independent person who can offer guidance and support. Coaching assumes that you have the answers already within yourself. The role of the coach is to help and stimulate you to clarify these answers and achieve your personal goals. The process is pragmatic and solution-focused.
Given by Piet Jan


Core Energetics Therapy

In a Core Energetics therapy session, you use energy, movement and breath to increase your body awareness. One of the ways in which we limit ourselves is by locking up our energy and emotions in our bodies. You learn how to set the energy in your body in motion. This relaxes you, lets your energy flow and brings you back in touch with your feelings. The overall experience of your body changes. You will feel more lively, powerful and happy. In a session, you experience your life energy in a creative, dynamic and fun way.
Given by  Piet Jan

Yoga Therapy

Illness or emotional/psychological complaints can disturb the balance in our body, mind and soul. To restore this balance, we cleanse, harmonise and strengthen on all levels (physical, energetic, emotional and spiritual). Through yoga therapy, the self-healing power of the body and mind can function properly again.
Given by Ramela and Lahma


Sophrology is a self-development method and practice that aims at harmonizing body and mind in order to bring general well-being and improve our relationship with others and with the world surrounding us. Private and group sessions.
Given by Delphine.